Beast Mode for LOGAN

Our sweet Logan Jones will be in second grade next year. His family found out recently that he has a large inoperable brain tumor which is causing health issues and can be life-threatening if it continues to grow. The only way to shrink the brain tumor is through medical treatments over the next year and a half so he will most likely miss most of his second-grade year at Campbell Elementary. He has a twin sister, Ella, going into second grade, and an older brother, Gage, going into third grade both at Campbell Elementary.  His Mom, Heather Jones, is an Officer on the PTO Board at Campbell and very active in volunteering for the school.  

Logan is a huge fan of Mr. Beast, a popular YouTuber and philanthropist, so let’s get into our “Beast Mode” for Logan and show our love and support by wearing a Spirit Shirt designed in his honor. All proceeds will go towards his medical treatments this year.

These Spirit Shirts can be worn on Spirit Fridays at Campbell Elementary and Dickinson Elementary. (Waiting on confirmation from Principals)